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Overnight Open Thread (3-16-2015) »
March 16, 2015
Bad Work Ethic Day Open Thread
Variety: Networks currently negotiating with advertisers for their "upfront" money, but the whole idea of "primetime," and maybe the whole idea of "network television" with schedules and "lead-ins" and such, is not long for the world.
Andrew Breitbart used to claim that within five years, "all this" (meaning the media) would be "Gone." He was off on the timing (he was always in a rush), but he might be right on the basic idea.
There was a racecrime but of course no one cares because it's just a black-on-white crime. Yawn.
Whore: I Whored Around for 12 Months Like a Big Fat Whore, she admits whorishly.
I've probably linked descriptions of this book before, but Joseph Bottum's book "An Anxious Age," argues, if I have this right, that mainline protestant churches took the actual religion out of their religion, leaving their religion-hungry (ex-) congregants looking for spiritual succor elsewhere. Chiefly they found it in environmentalism and Barack Obama.
So like "too many" black kids are being suspended and expelled for violent behavior so now instead they'll form "talking circles" and "rap about their problems." This was ridiculed as hippie-dippie nonsense 30 years ago; but they've finally won, and now it's actual policy. And it's working as planned.
Leon Wolf urges conservatives not to skip the DOJ report on Ferguson just because They Lie All the Time, but to pay attention to its complaints (which Drew discussed here, linking a story by Radley Balko) that law enforcement and government seemed to exist in Ferguson primarily to harass money out of their Subjects, not unlike King John's men in the Robin Hood legends. I guess I'll read it later.