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March 12, 2015
Is This Why Hillary Clinton Deleted 32,000 Emails?
Did you know this? I wondered, but didn't know. So, when Hillary leaves office, she is now in possession of a mountain of classified information, all on her servers.
She of course is not allowed to keep that information. Only the government and its currently serving operatives are permitted to possess classified information.
But she's in this odd situation, odder than most, because she insisted on transacting all business on her private servers, rather than the government's.
So while the typical Secretary of State would only have to search and delete a few of his private emails to bring himself into compliance with the law, Hillary Clinton, drunk on power and vodka but mostly vodka, now finds herself with servers stuffed with thousands of emails recapitulating classified information.
That's illegal. And furthermore, it was illegal to have kept these emails for any period of time past her official tour of duty.
Actually, her little Paranoid Gambit may have put her in the position of an impossible dilemma: On one hand, she is required to save all correspondence. (For a normal person, this is no problem, as the correspondence is on the government's servers, and is saved automatically).
But another law says she can't keep all those emails, because they discuss classified information!
The way out of this dilemma is to recognize it, and to turn over the servers to State (thereby being in compliance with both laws), but for Hillary Clinton and her desire to hide evidence, that's an impossibility.
So... perhaps at that point she decides to have a Deleting Party for six months.
Anyway, that's all my supposition, but what is not supposition is that it is actually a crime to possess classified information without authorization (Petraeus just pled guilty to this crime) and that Hillary signed an exit statement certifying she had no classified information in her possession.
As you read this, remember her strange, convoluted, and lawyered-up wording: There is no classified information.
That sentence is in present tense, and isn't even grammatical. It's literally senseless.
Why did she say this senseless thing so senselessly?
Actually... The writer, Shannen Coffin, points out a more likely scenario: That Clinton is now "returning" these documents (and references to documents; referencing classified information makes the reference classified) to State to make herself, allegedly, in compliance with the law.
But she wouldn't be. Turning over documents two years after leaving office, and only after being pressed on it by State Department officials and Congressional subpoenas, is not what the law has in mind.