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March 09, 2015
Apple Unveils Apple Watch
They claim their cold-forged stainless steel makes the watch "60% more gayballz".
Looking at the alleged "best apps for the Apple Watch" -- all of which are easily done on a phone -- I can't help thinking that the Apple Watch is a $600 solution in search of a problem (and that's the cost of the watch with the base (lame) watchband --the watchband you actually want will cost you up to $400 more).
I thought this product was an unlikely gamble, but John Ekdahl pointed out, correctly, that given the new Fitness Monitor craze, there exists a potential pre-existing audience for a watch that can do a bunch of things. While the Apple Watch canceled a bunch of planned fitness-monitor technologies, they apparently kept the heart-rate monitor, allowing the Watch to compete, in theory, with Jawbone, Fitbit, Garmin, and so forth.
But I don't know. I have a heart-rate monitor and I find it to be a not very useful thing. I don't know what to do with it. It's largely trivia, rather than useable information.
So I don't know about spending $600-1000 for the midrange Apple Watch.
The lower cost "sport" version, made of aluminum, will cost $350 for the smaller (woman's) version and $400 for the larger (man's) version. The midrange version, in stainless steel, will cost $550 for the woman's version, and $600 for the men's. And then add on several hundred dollars for a decent band.
The top-of-the-line gold version, I don't even want to get into.
One thing I think was potentially attractive about the Apple Watch was price. The Apple Watch would be a stylish little gizmo, as most Apple products are. That means it could, say, compete in the Stylish Wrist Jewelry market with, say, Tag Heuer.
But I assumed, stupidly, it would be cheaper than a Tag Heuer.
If it's pretty much the same price as a Tag Heuer, why not just buy the Tag Heuer?
Eh, I thought this would flop, and then John Ekdahl was all like "no, it will be soooo awesome," but never listen to John Ekdahl. He's an idiot.