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March 06, 2015
Obama White House Admits to Knowing About Secret Emails Since Last August; Hillary Asked Them to Keep It Secret
Of course.
And I'll bet they knew before August 2014 too.
The White House, State Department and Hillary Clinton's personal office knew in August that House Republicans had received information showing that the former secretary of state conducted official government business through her private email account -- and Clinton's staff made the decision to keep quiet.
Sources familiar with the discussions say key people in the Obama administration and on Clinton's staff were aware that the revelation could be explosive for the all-but-announced candidate for president. But those involved deferred to Clinton’s aides, and they decided not to respond.
In the end, Clinton’s staff waited six months -- until after the New York Times published a story on Tuesday about the email account and the possibility that it hampered public access to official records -- to begin their response.
Clinton's slow-off-the-block defense has left many political strategists and observers confused because even a presidential campaign in its early stages should have been prepared to get out ahead of bad news.
And Open Thread. I know, Crap Week of Output.