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February 21, 2015
A Mushy-Headed, Incoherent Attack on Concealed Carry Reciprocity [CBD]
The NY Times is a self-styled champion of civil rights, with the conspicuous and illogical exception being the 2nd Amendment's guarantee of our inalienable right to keep and bear arms.
Here, one of their remarkably ignorant opinion writers conflates drivers licenses with gun permits...claiming that with drivers there is a standard of competence that protects us from....something, I'm not sure what, since the number of automobile deaths dwarfs gun deaths (33,561 auto deaths in 2012 vs. 8,855 firearms related homicides).
But A Gun In Every Corner isn't really about the facts, it's about keeping those icky flyover rubes in their place, and certainly not allowing them to bring their filthy habits to the pristine utopias of Chicago and New York City and Boston.

The article is just more anti-gun blather, but the real entertainment is in the comments.
GOP: More guns, eliminate health care and education, deport immigrants, reduce women's rights (forget equal pay). while we are at it stagnate minimum wage, reduce taxes on the wealthy, stop supplementing education, forget infrastructure (except oil pipelines and bridges to nowhere), reduce food supplements for the 25% children in poverty-heck stop early education for them too! Get directly involved with more wars and above all put another Bush in the White House! Oh yeah, now we are talking solid, proactive reform :)
There's a lot more insane anti-gun, anti-freedom pontification in the comments. It's worth a read, if just for the peek inside the fervid, ignorant, flaccid minds of the Left.
Any NY/NJ Morons reading this screed? We are in the final planning stage for a Moron Meet-up in Hoboken for Friday, March 6th, 6pm-9pm. Please e-mail nynjmeet at optimum dot net to express your interest or disgust.

posted by Open Blogger at
12:25 PM
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