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February 11, 2015
Overnight Open Thread (2-11-2015)
Media Appearance Alert: DrewM will be a guest tonight on the "Splintered Caucus" radio show starting at 10pm EST. I was confused when he said 'no funny stuff' but now I get that that's just his way of saying he loves it when morons make elaborate prank phone calls into his guest appearances.
Who Owns Hillary?
Pretty much every big money investment firm that's who. And that's not counting all the 'speaking fees' she's raked in over the years. But remember Hillary is out there fighting for you.*

*Well you if you have annual revenues over say $30 billion and feel like just giving away some of it to a worthy lady-politician who cares about the little investment firms.
Dolphin-F*cker Documentary Finally Coming Out
Some men see a randy dolphiness who wants in their swim trunks and won't take no for an answer, briefly consider a bit of cetacean love and then ask why - but others like Michael Brenner ask why not? It's not like anyone would ever find out...
"At first I discouraged her, I wasn't interested," Brenner says in the movie. "After some time I thought, 'If this was a woman would I come up with these rationalizations and excuses?' "

Greece Threatens Tilt to Russia and China Unless Europe Yields
Greece to Reject Bailout; Wants Reparations From World War II
Yep the more Greece talks, the more palatable they're making the eventual Grexit to the rest of Europe.
State Senator Rants Against Miscegenation, Calls Obama a 'Half-Breed'
And likes poodles. Even if they're white.

Former Governator Calls For Green Energy, Simpler Lifestyles to Fight Global Warming
Hey he's got carbon offsets for that Hummer bitchez.

NPR Ombudsman: I Denounce the Bombing of Charlie Hebdo
You had one job.
NPR Ombudsman: Why Should the Constitution Protect Making Fun of Someone's Prophet?
Good question - why should it protect that kind of speech? Oh wait he must just mean certain prophets.

How They Built the SR-71 Blackbird
The A-12 and the SR-71 were a completely different design from anything else before it-and everything after, as time has demonstrated. At the time, many of the technologies needed to make these airplanes were considered "impossible." And yet, thanks to Kelly Johnson and the amazing team at engineers and scientists at Lockheed's Skunk Works, they were invented from scratch-in twenty months.
According to Lockheed Martin's official account, Kelly Johnson-the engineer who made the A-12 Oxcart and the SR-71 Blackbird-"everything had to be invented. Everything." From the The Pratt & Whitney J58 engines-a technological feat still unsurpassed by today's mass manufactured airplanes-to its titanium skin-capable of surviving temperatures from 315C (600F) to more than 482C (900F)-and composite materials. Its landing gear, for example, is"the largest piece of titanium ever forged in the world." Ironically, the United States did not have enough titanium to build these airplanes, so they have to buy it from the Soviet Union. Imagine that: Buying the only material in the world that could make an spy plane from the country you wanted to spy.
Lockheed's Skunk Works or the rebel base at Hoth?

Boston Dynamics Introduces Their Latest Quadruped Killbot To Haunt Your Dreams
I'm pretty sure I've fought these in a video game at some point.
South Korean Woman Attacked in Her Sleep By Robot
My worst fear realized.

Man Claims He Only Has 100 Orgasms Left Before He Permanently Loses the Ability to Get an Erection
Don't laugh - all of us guys live under the same curse and were just lucky enough to be born with a few more hundred thousand rounds in the chamber.
The Group knows what you did.
Tonight's post brought to you by human vs dolphin:

The large structure on the bottom is unique to dolphins and known as the rapal cortex.
Notice: Posted by implicit permission of AceCorp Syndicate. Please e-mail the stuff to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send your epic sensual poetry to Ace.

posted by Maetenloch at
10:02 PM
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