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February 07, 2015
No!....They Are Perfectly Rational. Call Them Crazy At Our Peril [CBD]
The barbarity and depravity of militant Islam has been in the forefront for several days, driven by The brutal and shocking murder of Mu'ath l-Kassasbeh, the Jordanian pilot who was captured by IS. Those who have paid any attention at all over the last...oh....1,400 years are not surprised by this behavior. What is shocking is the ease with which some immediately declare that either this is not Islam, or more insidiously, that those who commit these acts are simply psychopaths.
That Islam is not Islam has been examined by the Right-leaning press, but the dismissal of these acts as those of the mentally ill is a dangerous precedent, and one that is part and parcel with the denial that Islam does in fact call for the killing of unbelievers. By calling them insane, or to use commenter tsrblke's technical term, "bugfuck crazy," is to minimize the perfectly coherent and consistent belief system that has convinced them that non-true believers are unworthy of life and may be killed; that women are on earth to please men, and their subjugation is noble.
This is not delusion or mental illness, though the barbarity demonstrated by many of Islam's adherents would be considered exactly that by Western thought. Calling it such is the same rationale that sees Islamic terrorism as a law enforcement issue, or IS expansionism as a regional problem.
tsrblke disagrees:
Irrational first principles is still a type of irrationality.
Sure their logic may be internally consistent, flawless even.
But its presuppositions are still bugfuck crazy.
And so does MWR (the commenter who has Beth chained up in her basement)
There's no reason a psychopathic, anti-social personality type can't be drawn to a particular religious ideology. Why do you think so many prisoners convert to Islam? It gives them permission to do what they like to do: rape, pillage, murder. It tells them that shit's RIGHT.

posted by Open Blogger at
12:33 PM
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