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February 03, 2015
So This New Dumb Shit Happened
We live in an Age of Morons and Hysterics.
Remember like twelve years ago when we were all reading pieces about how the Internet would democratize political speech, and empower all citizens' voices to be heard in the public square?
And we were like, "Yeah man, that'll be cool."
Yeah. Turns out not so much.
So some evil crone taught these idiots to type into the Pornography Box and this is the shit that they thought the world needed to see.
Move over "racism" and "white privilege" -- "singlism" and "married privilege" are the new kids on the politically correct block!
According to Bella DePaulo and Rachel Buddeberg, the singles activists and authors who wrote a Truthout.org piece titled "Do You, Married Person, Take These Unearned Privileges, for Better or for Better?," discrimination against single people is a problem so huge that it’s actually "jarring" that our culture doesn't talk about it the way it talks about racism and sexism.
I have a feeling these two hysterical women found it "jarring" when Justin Bieber went Electric.
The piece defines "singlism" as "the stereotyping, stigmatizing and discrimination against people who are not married" and "marital privilege" as "the unearned advantages that benefit those who are married," an "emotional privilege" where "other people express happiness for people who marry but pity for those who stay single."
You know how every movie targeting the female demographic presents writing dumb articles in magazines as the highest possible career aspiration?
Yeah, can we either stop that and/or kill all the people writing those movies?
We really need these Young Budding Hysterical Feminists to stop all going to work for the Huffington Post and She the People and pursue an occupation with less capacity for massive harm, such as transporting smallpox viruses over rutted country backroads.
Some points are particularly laughable, such as the claim that it's so terrible that "universities have women's studies, Black studies, and queer studies programs" but "there is no singles studies program in any university, anywhere."
Do they have Retard Studies?