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January 11, 2015
Early Morning Thread, 1/11/15 - May I borrow a cactus? [krakatoa]
I way overslept yesterday, so yesterday's thread today, and today's thread I'll gladly give to you next Tuesday.
Anyone else feeling super damned psyched that the big takeaway from this week is to be appropriately deferential to a ... ok, It's Ace's blog, and I'm not going to say what I really want to say... to Muslims (despite what Howard Dean might believe)?
I'd say I hope your week has been better, but you've been watching the same craptastic display of depraved 7th century barbarism Islamic outreach, followed by the inevitable cowardice of a 21st century hedonistic, post-modern, self-referential "elite" that the majority of 6/7th of the world thinks of as proper civilized restraint.
The remaining seventh of the world's population sees no reason to stop the rest of us from running throat first into the knives of their most fervent proselytizers.
So, about that cactus...

posted by Open Blogger at
06:37 AM
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