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December 22, 2014
New TNR Editor: TNR Will Finally Hire a Black Person or Two
All it took to get TNR to finally start hiring black people was for all of its white people to quit the magazine.
The new editor pretty much says that the old TNR was "unwelcoming" to minorities.
Gabriel Snyder issued his first editor’s note as head of The New Republic on Monday, promising that the magazine will survive the latest turmoil and be home to more ambitious and diverse journalism.
"As we build our editorial staff, we will reach out to talented journalists who might have previously felt unwelcome at The New Republic. If this publication is to be influential, and not merely survive, it can no longer afford to represent the views of one privileged class, nor appeal solely to a small demographic of political elites," Snyder wrote.
"[I]f our founders sat down today to settle on the best way to achieve this mission, they would not have picked a weekly printed magazine and ignored a vast array of digital publishing possibilities. And just like any publication with hopes of success in the world of 2014, they would want The New Republic to be better at welcoming into our fold readers, writers, and editors who reflect the American experience as it exists today," Snyder wrote.
Missing from Snyder's post: Recognition of Ace of Spades for being so instrumental in bringing about this change.