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Morning Thread (12-19-2014) »
December 18, 2014
Overnight Open Thread (12-18-2014) - Six Shopping Days Left Edition
Quote of the Day
One Cuban young woman complains to another. "He lied to me! He told me that he was a luggage handler! It turns out, he's nothing but a neurosurgeon!"
-- Cuban joke (explanation here)
Comment of the Day
You know, I never thought that gay marriage would be the way fascism would come to America. People are doing all sorts of batshit crazy things in its name. I'm old enough to remember when people like Harvey Milk were against the whole idea and considered anybody who brought it up to be bigoted and homophobic.
Posted by: AmishDude at December 18, 2014 07:00 PM (L2xDv)
U Michigan Department Chair: We Should 'Hate Republicans'
Not just disagree with or look down upon but actually hate them personally. Note that she posted this unashamedly, expects to receive accolades for it and fears no professional repercussions.
"I hate Republicans," communications department chairwoman and professor Susan J. Douglas boldly declares in the opening of the piece. "I can't stand the thought of having to spend the next two years watching Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Ted Cruz, Darrell Issa or any of the legions of other blowhards denying climate change, thwarting immigration reform or championing fetal 'personhood.'"
She writes that although the fact that her "tendency is to blame the Republicans . . . may seem biased," historical and psychological research back her up, and so it's basically actually a fact that Republicans are bad!
Reason #77 that the modern university system needs to be radically reformed and defunded or simply ended.
By the way here is the face of hate:
Why Did Paramount Ban Showing Team America?
Well this might be one reason:
According to IMDB, Team America, while distributed by Paramount, was produced by Scott Rudin, the embattled (and uber-manic) Sony Pictures executive being eaten alive by the North Korean hacking scandal. I wonder if he put in a frantic call to Paramount to have Team America banned as a substitute for the latest anti-North Korean movie whose production he led. (If so, the Norks will likely let us know in their next round of hacks.)
...A couple of years after Team America snuck past Paramount's leftwing censors, Mark Steyn had Hollywood's number down pat: "Hollywood prefers to make 'controversial' films about controversies that are settled, rousing itself to fight battles long won"
Also One Major Reason North Korea Can Dictate What Movies We Watch in the United States: Tort Law
Welcome Our First Mostly Jewish Half-Black All Leftist President
The Cuban Spy That Didn't Get Released
And whose espionage in the DIA led almost directly to the death of Green Beret Sergeant Gregory Fronius.
Sweden to Russia: Hey Your Fighter Jet Damn Near Hit Our Plane
Russia to Sweden: You Filthy Scandis are High More Rolling Stone Dumbness: 6 Ideas for a Cop-Free World
Okay I have to wonder if the writer of this article has ever met any actual criminals or even watched a full episode of Cops. Because the ideas proposed have about a 0.0% chance of ever eliminating the need to have police. Because human nature.
Now one or two of the ideas such as citizen patrols and mental health treatment are good ideas as adjuncts to an existing police force but the thought that these ideas would ever eliminate the necessity for police is just kumbayah nonsense.
3. Restorative Justice
Also known as reparative or transformative justice, these models represent an alternative to courts and jails. From hippie communes to the IRA and anti-Apartheid South African guerrillas to even some U.S. cities like Philadelphia's experiment with community courts, spaces are created where accountability is understood as a community issue and the entire community, along with the so-called perpetrator and the victim of a given offense, try to restore and even transform everyone in the process. It has also been used uninterrupted by indigenous and Afro-descendant communities like San Basilio de Palenque in Colombia for centuries, and it remains perhaps the most widespread and far-reaching of the alternatives to the adversarial court system.
The Genius of Iowahawk
Q: Can you take non-Muslim women and children captive? A: Absolutely
Q: Can you have sex with them, even prepubescent girls?
A: Yes
Q: Can you sell them or give them as gifts to others?
A: Sure
Q: Can you give them as gifts after having sex with them?
A: No that is forbidden.
Shocker: Madonna Has Been Artistically Raped
Why Your Amazon Gift Purchases Arrive So Quickly
Because air cargo deregulation.
Awful Prom Dresses
This one says I have large boobies, questionable judgment, and Dad is not part of my life.
A note from a longtime Moronette:
Thought the moron horde might find this interesting and would be curious about their reaction. Happens to be a good friend and have watched the toll this has taken on him over the last few years. http://www.myfoxhouston.com/story/27645689/ft-bend-police-prosecutors-accused-of-abuse-in-swat-incident
I know at times you feel like you probably have a thankless job and wonder why you spend hours (or minutes) putting together threads.
I have been following Ace for 10 years now and still wonder where some of the original "regular" commenters went like Tushar (after the birth of his twins, not a word...). Watching the blog morph as the years go on. Even in its new and improved, cleaned up, hoity-toity version, Ace's house feels like family. I am sure there are many others like me and one day we will actually respond to a "lurker show yourself" thread.
Yahoo group. That is all.
Come on be a smartie and join the yahoo group party! For the children.
And my lo-fi Twitter spew.
Tonight's post brought to you by a little love:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips and juicy gossip to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send your scraps to RoneryAce. Do not taunt happy-fun ball. Bathrooms are for customers only.
posted by Maetenloch at
10:28 PM
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