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December 09, 2014
Random House: When Lena Dunham Called Barry "Barry," She Meant It As an Alias, Even Though She Didn't Say So
Apologies for "the confusion."
It should be noted that when Dunham referred to an ex-boyfriend earlier in the book, she specifically stated that she would be using a pseudonym to refer to him.
She did not provide any such statement with regard to "Barry."
Random House is offering to pay for any legal expenses Barry might have incurred in hiring his lawyer in this matter.
Nolte sums up some key points:
5. We know for a fact that nearly six weeks ago, Dunham herself was aware of the agony her memoir caused Barry One. And yet, rather than exonerate an innocent man she knew was twisting in the wind, she attacked the National Review author who told Barry's story.
6. How did Lena Dunham choose the name Barry? Moreover, no less than five descriptors in Dunham's memoir led who-knows-how-many people to believe Barry One was her rapist: 1) Barry One attended Oberlin at the same time Dunham did. 2) Barry One shares the same first name -- a very uncommon name. 3) Barry One was a campus Republican. 4) Barry One was a prominent campus Republican. 5) Barry One worked at one of the Oberlin campus libraries.
The details anyone could easily Google led right to Barry One.
I think Lena is going to be sued, and I think she's going to have to pay a large settlement.