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December 07, 2014
Gun Thread [Weirddave]
Gun of the Week

Dr Ben Carson and the Second Amendment
I admire Dr. Carson quite a bit. I don't think he's going to be much more than a vanity candidate for president in 2016, and even though I agree with almost all of his positions, his stance on gun rights bothers me a lot.
The Second Amendment
Gura Asks Court to Hold District in Contempt in Palmer v. DC Decision
A good reminder that winning the court fight isn't always the end of the process. Ordered by the courts to CCW in the city, the District "complied" by saying, in essence, "Sure. Anyone who brings us a pound of unobtanium can have a CCP". So..back to the courts.
How to Select the Sidearm that's Best for You
I'm not sure if this is an advice column or an ad for Sig Sauer. Regardless, one of the things that people sometimes forget when buying a gun is that they need to take some time to consider to what use they want to put the weapon. Guns are sexy. It's easy to buy something on a whim that isn't right for the intended purpose.
Gunhinged - Rap edition
Rapper Faces Life in Prison for Album Cover

Now, I like rap about as much as I like root canal, but that doesn't mean that rappers don't enjoy the same rights as the rest of us.
The Law of Self Defense, the how-to manual for gun ownership.
GOTW Answer
That's an FP-45 Liberator pistol, a real piece of crap that was designed to be airdropped behind enemy lines in WWII. They made a million of them in six months, at a cost of $2.40 each ($32 today). A smoothbore .45, it was designed to be used at extreme close range by partisans or guerrillas. Basically, the idea was to get close to a German and use the Liberator to kill him so you could take his weapons, which were presumably a lot more useful than your POS pistol. Very few of them were ever distributed.
Tips and complaints to @weirddave0. Today's thread brought to you by "If the K9 testifies, you're going down".

posted by Open Blogger at
02:29 PM
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