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November 14, 2014
Sean Hannity Responds to a Jon Stewart Criticism
I guess I should say, Sean Hannity DESTROYS Jon Stewart.
Stewart had said of Hannity, in a Rolling Stone interview, that Hannity is "probably the most loathsome dude" at Fox, and that everything Hannity says is presented in the most "devious" way possible.
Hannity responded:
"Nearly 50 million Americans on food stamps, nearly 50 million in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since 1978, and Jon's beloved president who once said George Bush's debt was 'irresponsible and unpatriotic' has almost accumulated more debt then every other President before him combined," Hannity wrote. "Do I even need to remind him about keeping our doctors, our health plans and saving money? And how is that healthcare website working out? Or Iraq, ISIS, the 'Russian reset'?"
"Jon's problem is he has his head so far up Obama's ass he cannot see clearly, he is obviously better suited to reading his joke writers' material, and making his clapping-seal audience happy," Hannity continued.
"I await another Rally to Restore Sanity with Fatwa supporter Cat Stevens!!" he said, referring to the event that Stewart and Stephen Colbert hosted in Washington, D.C., in 2010."
If you click on the link, you can read more of Stewart's interview. It's all the sort of received-dogma, Wisdom of the Herd, utterly-predictable crap that all the Maverick Thinkers of the Left think.