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November 11, 2014
IGOR: It Could Be Worse.
IGOR: It Could be Matt Yglesias.
(Matt Yglesias begins pouring down on their heads.)
If it's a day that ends in -y, it's time for another Matt Yglesias blogpost that reads like a train derailment which crashes into a bus filled with drunken clown pedophiles with sex-toys shaped like Embarrassing Editorial Retractions shoved up their asses.
Stop the Presses: Is Matt Yglesias Kinda-Sorta Halfway Right About a Factual Dispute? Gabe says that state legislators' power to appoint electors survived the 14th Amendment:
I assume that what is being argued here is that the 14th Amendment takes away states' electors proportionately to the percentage of the adult male population it refuses to let vote (that is, if formerly slave-holding states won't permit freed blacks to vote), but that this new injunction does not affect the states legislatures' original power to appoint electors themselves, without any voting at all.
Holy crap, I can't believe this. MattieY might be right.
Please accept this wholesomely racist Disney song as an apology.