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November 10, 2014
Clearing the Browser Tabs Open Thread
Sharyl Attkisson talks to Howard Kurtz about CBS' intentional embargo of Obama's Benghazi quote in order to assist his reelection effort.
Neanderthal DNA may be responsible for high-level mathematical thinking; and given humanity's tendency to select away from Neanderthal traits (in preference of Cro-Magnon traits), we may be in for an Idiocracy-like future.
So this DC "Suicide Squad" movie is really happening.
No seriously it's really happening.
No really, It's happenin', Misteh J!
That "Truthy" study funded by the US Government seems to have succeeded chiefly in getting conservative accounts banned from Twitter.
Putin plans to officially designate the the US and NATO as "adversaries" in a soon-to-be-released reboot of its military doctrine.
They said that people wouldn't be forced to host gay weddings in their homes. They, get this, lied.
A drug supposedly can restore the "plastic" quality of a young child's brain to an older person's brain, thus permitting the high-speed learning children are capable of.
The downside: the lock-up of the brain (as it ages) also helps prevent the brain from forgetting learned skills. So this might be a trade-off: You can quickly learn new skills, but only if you let this drug unlock your brain so that previous memory can be written over.
Dana Loesch quizzes her panel members -- real Salon tweets, or parody Salon tweets?
AllahPundit and Mitt Romney have officially joined forces in order to troll you.
Sorry I didn't post for three hours!