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November 07, 2014
"Reporter" Nancy Cordes Pushing Out Daily Kos Propaganda Under Aegis of CBSNews
CBSNews brought us the Rathergate Forgeries, of course, so I don't know that we should be surprised.
Nancy Cordes began the Q&A with John Boehner yesterday by shouting out an extremely Firedog-Lake-ish alleged question:
John Boehner Press Conference
November 6, 2014
NANCY CORDES: Mr. Speaker, you have a new crop of conservatives coming into the House who have suggested among other things that women need to submit to the authority of their husbands, that Hillary Clinton is the anti-Christ and that the families of Sandy Hook victims should just get over it. So the hell no caucus as you’ve put it is getting bigger and some of them don’t think you’re conservative enough.
JOHN BOEHNER: No, no, no. Now, listen –
CORDES: How do you deal with them differently than you did in the last Congress?
Here is how she "reported" this last night, on CBSNews' evening broadcast:
CORDES: But Boehner's own attempts to craft immigration legislation has been blocked by members of his own party who worry reform would give new rights to people who came here illegally and Tuesday's election added more members on his far right flank, North Carolina's Mark Walker has suggested blitzing the border with fighter jets. Virginia's Barbara Comstock said undocumented immigrants should be tracked like FedEx packages.
I very much doubted that Barbara Comstock had said that. I also doubted she could be fairly characterized as "far right," as she was dogged as a RINO throughout the primary and then into the general election.
Turns out she didn't say that. What she said was that FedEx can track packages throughout the country, so we can track immigrants who are here as well. She did not say we should "track them like FedEx packages."
Here's the quote in context.
So where did CBS "reporter" Nancy Cordes get this idea that the "far right" RINO Barbara Comstock said we should track immigrants "like FedEx packages"?
Well, Google "comstock immigrants fedex."
You'll see where Nancy Cordes got it -- she got it from far left blog Think Progress:
Headline: Republican Congressional Candidate: Government Should Track Immigrants Like FedEx Tracks Packages
From far left blog The Daily Kos:
Headline: Barbara Comstock demands we track immigrants like FedEx tracks packages
and from far left MSNBC:
Headline: GOP candidate: US should track immigrants like Fed-Ex packages
It should be noted that even the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which put this hit piece out into the world for far-left blogs and reporters to link, would not go as far as these far-left blogs did, or as CBSNews now has.
The DCCC would say only:
VIDEO: At Debate, Barbara Comstock Compares Immigrants to FedEx Packages
Emphasis added.
So CBSNews' Nancy Cordes has "reported," as a factual matter, that Barbara Comstock says we should track immigrants "like FedEx packages," a more stridently, tendentiously partisan interpretation than even the expressly partisan organization the DCCC was comfortable assigning to her remarks.
I have written to CBS News and Nancy Cordes about this and have, get this, received no reply whatsoever.