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November 04, 2014
Today the Media Had a Temper Tantrum
To paraphrase Peter Jennings' infamous verdict on the 1994 midterms.
Noah Rothman rounds up the media,already acting badly and bitterly, despite not even having official word that They Collectively lost yet.
Bryan Preston has more like this: Watch Tom Brokaw grill Rob Portman on the burning question, Now that you've won political power, what large parts of the Democrat agenda are you going to pass?
Brokaw didn't just ask this of Portman. He also framed this as the Big Question about the whole election.
Tom Brokaw: They are thinking that they would like to have Washington get something done. And the question is not just which party can get it done, but how can they change the tone in Washington so they can work together. I was listening to Governor Haley Barber a moment ago and no one is shrewder in the Republican Party than Haley. Last week Senator Portman from Ohio was talking about the agenda for the Republicans if they gain control over the Senate. The question then is what are they prepared to give to the Democrats to meet them at middle ground? What they are going to do about immigration? What are they are going to do about the minimum wage?
Preston links this MRC piece about the media's open celebration of the Democrats' midterm win in 2006. There, they did not ask about what compromises the Democrats were willing to make with the Devil Bush; instead, they were celebrating the coming of the Democrat agenda.