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Overnight Open Thread (1 Nov 2014) »
November 01, 2014
AOSHQDD Volunteers Still Needed, Existing All Contacted
We are 72 hours away from Election Night 2014, and we want to thank the horde for sending as many drunk, disorderly representatives as possible to our project.
Unfortunately a batch of our team members have had family and medical emergencies crop up, so we still need more of you. Those of you who have signed up and filled out the spreadsheet info have all received a team email, so check your inboxes for your sheets. Kick off your shoes and relax your socks: it's going to get crazy in there.
To volunteer, simply go to DD.AOSHQ.COM/VOLUNTEER, submit your information, then be sure to click the button that appears afterwards and fill out your availability info.
You can follow our returns on November 4th at dd.aoshq.com and our calls on our Twitter feed, @AOSHQDD. Our data will also have a starring role in RedState's election night coverage and on 405radio.