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October 27, 2014
Ace of Spades HQ Decision Desk: Races We'll Be Watching
All, thanks for volunteering. Assignments go out this week, so those of you who stepped, staggered, or crawled forward, watch your inboxes.
Here is the master list of elections we will be providing returns for next Tuesday night.
Most of these have been selected because they aren't entirely nailed down, though a few are just for laughs (like TXGov). We will still have calls for all of the Senate races not being watched (blowout races), but this list of 105 races should be more than enough to entertain you.
Alaska GOV
Alaska SEN
Arizona GOV
Arizona HD1
Arizona HD2
Arizona HD9
Arkansas GOV
Arkansas SEN
Arkansas HD2
Arkansas HD4
California HD3
California HD7
California HD9
California HD10
California HD16
California HD21
California HD26
California HD31
California HD36
California HD52
Colorado GOV
Colorado SEN
Colorado HD6
Connecticut GOV
Florida GOV
Florida HD2
Florida HD18
Florida HD26
Georgia GOV
Georgia SEN
Georgia HD12
Hawaii GOV
Hawaii HD1
Idaho GOV
Illinois GOV
Illinois HD8
Illinois HD10
Illinois HD11
Illinois HD12
Illinois HD13
Illinois HD17
Indiana HD2
Iowa SEN
Iowa HD1
Iowa HD2
Iowa HD3
Iowa HD4
Kansas GOV
Kansas SEN
Kentucky SEN
Louisiana SEN
Maine GOV
Maine HD2
Maryland HD6
Massachusetts HD6
Massachusetts HD9
Michigan GOV
Michigan SEN
Michigan HD1
Michigan HD7
Michigan HD8
Minnesota GOV
Minnesota SEN
Minnesota HD1
Minnesota HD7
Minnesota HD8
Montana SEN
Montana HD1
Nebraska HD2
Nevada HD3
Nevada HD4
New Hampshire SEN
New Hampshire HD1
New Hampshire HD2
New Jersey HD3
New Mexico HD2
New York HD1
New York HD4
New York HD11
New York HD18
New York HD19
New York HD21
New York HD23
New York HD24
North Carolina SEN
North Carolina HD7
Ohio HD6
Ohio HD14
Oregon GOV
Oregon SEN
Pennsylvania GOV
Pennsylvania HD6
Rhode Island GOV
South Dakota SEN
Texas GOV
Texas HD23
Utah HD4
Virginia SEN
Virginia HD10
Washington HD1
West Virginia SEN
West Virginia HD2
West Virginia HD3
Wisconsin GOV
Wisconsin HD6