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Study: "Non-Citizens'" Illegal VotingIs More Than Enough to Swing Close Elections; May Have Provided Obama With His 60th Vote for Obamacare in 2009 »
October 24, 2014
You. Decision Desk. Volunteer. Now.
Everyone who had submitted their information correctly as of yesterday has been emailed and is now in the que for assignments. We are down to the final days and need to still fill a few spots.
If you reside in New Hampshire, we could use you on-the ground in a few municipalities (Milford, Rochester, Laconia, Hampton, and just for shits and giggles, Dixville Notch). Likewise for Connecticut (Bridgeport, Hartford, Stamford, New Haven) and Maine (Portland).
Otherwise, again, we need asses-in-seats: we need more volunteers who can monitor returns from various sources, input them on our spreadsheets, and stick around until their precincts are all reported. That's the job, as plain as we can describe it. As I said in the last post about this:
The genius behind this project is the lack of it: it doesn't take brains to construct a spreadsheet. To hit CTRL-C and CTRL-V. To read up on past returns and early voting trends. It simply takes a mass of dedicated people.
A mass of morons.
Join us.
Note: look carefully after you submit. That button that appears is a critical read. About 30% of you aren't opening it and are getting left out of the que.