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MNF Thread »
October 20, 2014
It has been a crazy year at the Decision Desk.
I could talk about our calls and press but screw that. This is a humble request to the tens of thousands of loyal readers: we need you on Election Night.
Lurkers, regulars, miscreants, if you've enjoyed our coverage and want to be part of our drive to provide a fast and reliable call on election night- with the goal of besting the bigwigs who have had a forty-year head start- I implore you to email us.
Training is simple, the task, even simpler. From the moment you sign up, a link pops in place that will guide you through the whole process.
As a volunteer, you will be plopped into a spreadsheet, assigned counties next to your name, with contacts for obtaining results for your assigned counties/municipalities. For some of you, it will be as simple as refreshing an inbox. For others, opening a PDF. For those with great phone plans, contacting frazzled clerks from Bangor to San Diego. Numbers in hand, you input. That's it. You input until all of your precincts have reported.
The genius behind this project is the lack of it: it doesn't take brains to construct a spreadsheet. To hit CTRL-C and CTRL-V. To read up on past returns and early voting trends. It simply takes a mass of dedicated people.
A mass of morons.
Join us.
PS- if you live in New Hamsphire, we have a special assignment for you. We are still looking for on-the-scene reporters for Rochester, Laconia, Milford, Hampton, and, why not. Dixville Notch.