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October 01, 2014
Imperium: White House Orders Reporters to Not Talk With Crowd at Rally
And the Tina Turner Press continues to take it.
The White House's contempt for the news-gathering process extends to the most petty incidents. On Monday, Michelle Obama came to Milwaukee to campaign for Democrat Mary Burke, who is challenging Governor Scott Walker. To the astonishment of reporter Meg Kissinger of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, aides to Obama and Burke told her she could not talk to the crowd at a Burke event in Milwaukee.
"Assigned to cover Michelle Obama’s speech today and was told by a Mary Burke aide and one for the White House that I could not speak to the people in the crowd," she recounted on her Facebook page.
"To say that I was creeped out is an understatement. This is what reporters do in America: we speak to people. At least that’s how I’ve been doing things -- at all kinds of political events -- since 1979."
To her credit, the reporter says she ignored the Imperial Advisory and asked questions.
On the other hand -- why is this only being reported on FaceBook?
Where is the real story running in the real media?