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August 30, 2014
OT Thread-Clearing Out The Browser Tabs Edition [WeirdDave]
I don't really feel like doing politics today, so I'm going to feature some links and memes from back in the day. I know in internet terms that means last Tuesday, but I've been online for a long time. When I first wandered online, using my Atari ST series computer, the internet wasn't a superhighway, it was a cow path. In 20-plus years of browsing, I've bookmarked and saved a lot of crap, call it a potpourri of poop, or maybe a cavalcade of crap. Now, if I can just get this 5 1/4" floppy drive to interface with Windows 7....
Here's one of the first RPGs I remember playing. It's not quite the grandaddy of them all, but it knew the granddaddy when he was still in school. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...
Man, I played this thing for hours, along with its sequels. All of the elements of modern RPGs are there, monsters, weapons, food, magic, puzzles....they're just a lot more....primitive. Apparently someone went through the trouble of adapting the game for Windows, so if you'd like to see what kept us greybeards occupied when the internet was still made out of wood, you can do so here: Dungeon Master Java.
Then came flash, and suddenly everyone putting out the most putrid stuff imaginable. Most of it is thankfully lost to the ages, but some were so bad they became awesome and have been preserved. My favorite is Journey: A Tribute To America. It's just so mind numbingly bad that it's hilarious. Such a big Journey fan, and he doesn't even get the lyrics right, but I dare you to watch that and not hear “purple moose” the next time the song comes on the radio.
Let's see, what's next? Oooh! The Brunching Shuttlecocks! Anyone remember that website? Lots of funny stuff, but the two funniest bits IMO Your Roommate Plays The Indigo Girls (I swear I knew that guy in college. I bet you did too) and The Island of Misfit Chinese Food (mildly NSFW).
The trolls we get here at AoS are generally pretty lame, about as much originality as dust, but there is some epic trolling going on out there on the web. Who can forget the saga of Bloodninja, who elevated cybersex trolling to new levels of awesome? I put on my robe and wizard hat. The next to last one must have been an 'ette, she turns it right back on him. Hmmm, I wonder if The Political Hat ever socks as "The Robe and Wizard Hat"?
Some threads never die. Things I Learned From my Patients, about what goes on in the ER, has been running on a doc forum for over a decade now. I scanned some of the latest pages and it's mostly just docs talking doc talk, but if you go back and read from the beginning there's some astounding stuff. Humans, am I right, or what?
Stay away from people named "Some Guy" or "This One Dude", because they for whatever reason, just punch someone in the face or hit them with a crowbar and run off. If I see them on the street, I cross the street to get away from them.
Never, ever leave flashlights, shampoo bottles, beer bottles or any long, circular object on the floor because someday you will fall on it and it will somehow, work its way up your rectum.
if the two dudes live in YOUR city, don't sit out on your front porch reading the bible and minding your own business at 2 AM unless you are praying to be shot
No matter how annoyed you are at being incarcerated dont slash open your scrotum and shove razor blades up your urethra. Now I know, who among us hasn't thought wistfully of doing that but it turns out that it's not a good idea.
Latex paint, despite being thick and creamy, does not coat your stomach and provide the same relief as pepto bismol.
I'm sure Conservative Crank is nodding his head right about now.
Skippy's List: The 213 things Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the U.S. Army
That girl has an awesome pair of....suitors.
OK, just a few political links:
Remember when we had a real President who loved this country. Yea. That was great.
I want to live in The Republic of Bill
And that's about it. This morning's OT thread is brought to you by Vladimir Putin

posted by Open Blogger at
09:15 AM
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