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Overnight Open Thread 8/23/14 (tmi3rd) »
August 23, 2014
There's Nothing Like A Good Joke [OregonMuse]
Well, I don't see anything else in the pipe from the other cobs, so how about a joke thread?
A married man is approaching his 25 year annivery and because he loves his wife very much, he tells her he will take her for a vacation anywhere in the world. So she tells him she would like to go to Israel; always wanted to see the holy land. So the husband says OK, and then she says, "but we need to take my mother along with us."
The husband has never liked or gotten along with his MIL, but, as I said, he loves his wife very much, so he acquieses. So all three of them go to Israel and are having a lovely time seeing all the sites until the mother all of a sudden collapses from heart failure and despite thd Isareli doctors' best efforts, she dies.
So the hospital tells him they can make arrangements with an funeral home to have the MIL buried in Israel, at a cost of $500. Or, arrangements could be made to have the body shipped hom to America, and by the time all the fees are paid, it would be about $5,000. The husband says, "I'd rather have her buried in America."
"Wait", the hospital rep says, "You'd rather go to the expense of shipping your MIL home when you could bury her here for far less money? Why is that?"
The husband replies, "Well, you see, a while back you had a guy who died, was buried, but came back to life after 3 days, and I don't want to take any chances!"
So, you morons have any better ones?

posted by Open Blogger at
07:53 PM
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