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August 17, 2014
Gun Thread (8-17-2014)
Another busy Sunday, but here's a quick gun thread for y'all.
The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect, Illustrated
h/t @CommodoreBTC
The Second Amendment, Illustrated
We'll have much more to say about Ferguson in the weeks to come, but for now let's just do a quick Venn diagram of the "you don't need guns, the police will protect you" and "ZOMFG where did these stormtroopers come from?!?!" members of the left/media (BIRM): 0
Related: Ferguson’s Imaginary Gun Problem
Charles C.W. Cooke Has A Wife And A New Podcast
Congratulations to our friend Charles C.W. Cooke, who got married yesterday.
His new Whiskey & Gunpowder podcast has taken a little break, for obvious reasons, since its debut episode with guest Cam Edwards. It's in the ten ring on the AoSHQ Lifestyle target, so give it a listen when you have a chance. (Also on iTunes)
If there are topics you're interested in seeing in the gun thread, please send them to AoSHQGunThread at gmail. You can also send them to me on Twitter at @AndyM1911.
The owner's manual for your concealed carry permit: The Law of Self Defense
Defend the Second Amendment. Join: The National Rifle Association * Gun Owners of America * The National Shooting Sports Foundation * Your state's second amendment org.
Celebrate America's firearms heritage: participate in Project Appleseed.