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August 11, 2014
Top Headline Comments 8-11-14
Happy Monday.
In case you missed it Friday, a federal district judge in North Carolina denied a preliminary injunction to the NAACP, DOJ, and several other groups in their challenge to North Carolina's new voting law. Doug Mataconis has the details. This is a very big, important win. As Doug notes, it stands in stark contrast to the Wisconsin voter ID decision from last month that got progressives all aflutter. I don't expect them to squawk much about this loss, however. Lawgeeks, the 125-page decision, which is quite good, is here (PDF).
If you were fortunate enough to avoid the news this weekend, you might not know that Iraq went to pieces. PM Maliki is resisting leaving office and has deployed troops and tanks to prevent parliament from replacing him. Meanwhile, ISIL continues to make gains in the north against the Kurds. And the U.S. is starting to provide arms to the Kurds, a break with past practice where we only armed the Iraqi government.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:45 AM
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