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Overnight Open Thread (1 Aug 2014) »
August 01, 2014
House Passes Border Bill With One Democratic Supporter; Also Passing Bill to Defund DACA
The ONT is below -- I thought I should get this up, as it's breaking news.
I'll bump it below the ONT in an hour or so.
The Democrats in the Senate have already said they won't vote for either bill.
In fact, Harry Reid probably won't call the Senate back to vote on it.
But a bill has now been passed in the House.
The GOP bill was split into two parts, neither of which held appeal for Democrats.
The second bill, still under debate Friday night, would block funding for future expansion of Obama’s 2012 executive action that stops the deportation of young people who came here illegally as children. Republicans say this executive order has served as the lure that has attracted Central American children and families to come here, believing they can also be granted legal status.
"This border crisis is of the president’s own making," Rep. Keith Rothfus, R-Pa., said.
The main legislative vehicle approved Friday night provides $659 million for humanitarian aide, strengthened border security and additional immigration judges. It also adds $35 million to grant border state governors the autonomy to pay for sending the National Guard to the border without needing federal funds.
The bill also changes a 2008 trafficking victims law so that the Obama administration will be able to speed deportation of minors from Central America, where most of the children have migrated from.
The DACA bill will, if I understand this right, forbid the spending of funds to process DACA applications (defunding it), either of all DACA applicants or new arrivals, and forbid another Executive Amnesty.
Jeff Sessions intends to make the Democrats own their votes against the bills.
Sessions added that the fight in the Senate is "only beginning" and called on Senate Democrats to join him, all Senate Republicans, and Manchin in opposing Obama’s planned executive amnesty--or be "held to account."
"Now that the House has passed this measure to block the President's unlawful actions, we will demand that every Senate Democrat be held to account," Sessions said. "We will fight, and keep fighting, for its passage. I appeal tonight to all Americans: ask your Senator where they stand on President Obama’s executive amnesty. Ask them where they stand on protecting unemployed citizens from a plan which will give work permits and jobs to millions of illegal workers."