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July 30, 2014
France Offers Asylum to Christians Iraqis Fleeing ISIS; Washington, DC, Silent
The French government says it is willing to grant asylum to Iraqi Christians in the face of a jihadist onslaught against them.
"We are assisting displaced persons who are fleeing the Islamic State's threats and seeking refuge in Kurdistan," Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said in a joint statement this week. "Should they so wish, we are prepared to offer them asylum on our soil."
They're Socialists, by the way. I just say that in case anyone thinks they're part of the French Neocon Establishment or something.
In Washington, meanwhile, a leading religious freedom advocate on Capitol Hill slammed both President Obama and Congress Tuesday for their "silence" about the plight of Iraq’s Christians, which he said amounted to "genocide."
"The silence in this town -- in Washington -- is deafening," Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) said on the House floor. "Does Washington even care?"
And once again it seems like the sympathies of the progressive establishment are turned off the minute someone mentions the C-word, "Christians."