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July 19, 2014
Saturday Morning Open Thread: Nothing to See Here [Y-not]
Last week was a pisser, wasn't it? I think we all need a bit of a palate-cleanser
Something to ground us in reality after the surreal behavior of our oh-so-dedicated Commander-in-Chief.
How about this?
Did you know that roughly one third of Americans believe in UFOs? The number has been remarkably consistent over the past 8 years and it does not seem to track to political affiliation.
Make of that what you will.
Apparently, World UFO Day was earlier this month. (Dayum and I missed it!)
Here's a roundup of UFO "sightings" for your amusement, courtesy of ABC News.
Have you ever seen a UFO?
I saw something UFO-esque a year or two ago one evening while standing on my back deck. Several lights moving together above the tree tops up hill from my house. Slow moving or hovering. No sound. Eventually lost sight of it as it became obscured by trees.
I had time to have my husband come out and take a look. He thought it was an ultra-light.
The main thing I took from my "UFO sighting" was just how hard it is to gauge much of anything -- size, distance, height, speed -- when you're just watching lights against a dark sky.
How about you?
To wrap things up, how about a song? (Stay with it, it starts out kinda slow.)
Open thread to talk about whatever floats your boat.
**I HATE PIXY. Here's a link to that Worcester Post Office story referenced in the comments. http://preview.tinyurl.com/k5dzv8b**

posted by Open Blogger at
11:11 AM
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