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July 10, 2014
Andrew Stiles is Clever in Much the Same Way That Ed Schultz Is Not
I didn't know about this.
Everyone's RINO, JeffB., sent me this prank that Andrew Stiles (Free Beacon editor, AoSHQ Podcast Hillary Clinton Correspondent) has been running on Ed Schultz for a while.
Ed Schultz runs selected viewer tweets during his show. Stiles and a confederate, Biff Diddle (and by "confederate" I mean "racist"), have been tweeting parody praise at Schultz to see if they could get Dumb Shit on to the Ed Shultz Show.
Think for a moment about how easily accomplished a goal that is, and silently scorn Stiles and Diddle for their complete lack of ambition.
Nevertheless, it's pretty damn funny. Yes, they seem to get 90% of their stupidest tweets successfully implanted on the show, right beneath several of Shultz' more prominent sub-chins.
Another Free Beaconer, David Rutz, ran this goofy tweet yesterday:
And guess what happened?
If you use your eyes to zoom in on that graphic, you'll see it says "Social Action Heroes!"
Apparently this is not a joke. I mean, this is not a p-shop, at least. Schultz really uses this "Action Hero!" banner to lift the spirits of his 83-and-under IQ audience.

What can you even say?
I guess very, very stupid people are Americans too, and for some reason they want to watch a show that they can pretend is about politics.