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July 08, 2014
Obama's "Independence Day" From the Will of the American Public, and His Promise to Open Borders Advocates to Pursue Amnesty Via Executive Order
In the last post I remarked that Obama had obviously gotten "criticism" about a common-sense plan to send children back to their homes with their parents from Open Borders advocates.
Major Garret detailed Obama's meeting with Open Borders advocates, which took place, I think, Monday, June 30, just over a week ago.
More than a dozen center-left and hard-left immigration groups sent representatives to what sounded like another uninspiring strategy session in the White House's Roosevelt Room with senior Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett and Cecilia Munoz, head of the Domestic Policy Council.
Those who were there--the Service Employees International Union; AFL-CIO; Center for American Progress; Leadership Council on Civil Rights; America's Voice; the National Immigration Law Center; United Farm Workers; Center for Community Change; and others--expected another dreary appeal from Jarrett and Munoz to give House Speaker John Boehner until the August recess to try to move some form of immigration legislation. The immigration groups were fed up with what they had long regarded as Obama's doughy diffidence and had no stomach for another "stay-the-course" soliloquy from Jarrett and Munoz.
Obama related a conversation he'd had with John Boehner, in which Obama said he would keep his promise to use Executive Action to "fix" immigration given that Congress was not going to pass a law on it (at least not in this Congress).
In the room, there was something of a collective, electric gasp. The assembled immigration-rights groups had been leaning hard on Obama for months to use executive action to sidestep Congress...
Obama told the groups what they had been dying to hear--that he was going to condemn House Republicans for inaction and set the most expansive legal course permissible to beef up border security, slow deportations of noncriminal aliens, and provide legal status to millions of undocumented workers--all by himself.
"He went from hanging back to calling the question and retaking the initiative," said Frank Sharry, executive director of America's Voice. "I kept thinking, 'Where has this guy been?' He's going on offense. He was a different guy. He was unplugged.["]
Obama made it clear he would press his executive powers to the limit. He gave quiet credence to recommendations from La Raza and other immigration groups that between 5 million to 6 million adult illegal immigrants could be spared deportation under a similar form of deferred adjudication he ordered for the so-called Dreamers in June 2012....
Obama has now ordered the Homeland Security and Justice departments to find executive authorities that could enlarge [his "Dreamers" amnesty] non-prosecutorial umbrella by a factor of 10.
When the subject of endangered Red State Democrats were brought up, Obama shrugged.
"He didn't seem to give a shit," Sharry said. "It was clear he was going on offense and going to run to the question."
The article goes on to note that when Obama said he planned to send a lot of the illegal children immigrants back, the Open Borders advocates criticized this move as being "inhumane."
And within days, Obama abandoned it.
Yet the media still continues to push the idea that Obama is some kind of centrist. In this discussion with hardcore Open Borders advocates, he promised to increase his non-deportation policy "by a factor of ten," but when he said he'd also be taking a common sense step to fix the crisis at the border, he was criticized for doing so, and immediately backed down.
He is the most leftwing president we've ever had, and, hopefully, the most hard left president we ever will have.