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Administration Officials Try to Justify Breaking the Law on Informing Congress By, Get This, Lying »
June 05, 2014
Harry Reid: "What Difference Does It Make" Whether I Was Informed Shortly Before or Shortly After the Taliban Swap?
Remember, Obama was required to inform Congress -- not just his Corruption Buddy Harry Reid -- 30 full days before a swap.
That's what the law says. It does not contain ambiguities on this point, nor loose language, nor wiggle room.
When Obama was accused of breaking the law just because people hated him because of his skin color, and also because he broke the law, Harry Reid piped up to claim that he had been informed just before the swap.
That doesn't make the swap legal -- one day is not equal to 30 -- but Harry Reid was trying to offer the Administration some cover.
The White House, however, then came out and did something unexpected: They told the truth, and contradicted Reid, saying they had not in fact informed him before the swap (on Friday night, when Reid says he was informed) but informed him at the same time they informed everyone else (on Saturday, after the swap).
Now asked to explain why he either 1, lied, or 2, is a confused old man, or 3, is hopelessly corrupt, or 4, all of the above, Harry Reid demands to know "what difference does it make" whether or not he was lying when he claimed to have been informed on Friday night.
When asked why he was, as reported, the only member of Congress who was informed of the swap the day before it occurred, Reid said that he was not sure he was “the only one.”
“The whole deal, is it Friday or Saturday? What difference does it make?” Reid said. “What difference does it make?”
He says this at the end of the short video, at the link.
We are now at the point when Democrats are straight-up asking what difference it makes if they lied.