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June 04, 2014
Video of Obama Workout Goes Viral
The video was taken at a Marriott Hotel gym in Warsaw, Poland.
Footage shows POTUS, in a black tracksuit with headphones in his ears...
The short clip of the presidential fitness session was first leaked to Fakt, a Polish tabloid, and then quickly made the rounds online.
Onlookers told the tabloid Obama didn't hold back during his 45 minute workout, as he "heavily sighed and groaned" doing the exercises that were listed on a piece of paper he carried around during his routine.
Is this funny?
I think @johnekdahl is right: A normal person doing normal things usually wouldn't be that funny.
But Obama has worked hard at only two things during his presidency: Image Control, and Not Working.
It's amusing to see the sad little man behind the giant face of Oz.