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May 29, 2014
State Spokeswretch Jen Psaki: You Know, Obama Just Doesn't Give Himself Credit
Incredulous Reporters Openly Laugh at Claim: Credit for What?
If I were to compile a Billboard-style list of Obama's top 40 faults, "doesn't give himself enough credit" would fail to track.
JEN PSAKI: I would argue the president doesn't give himself enough credit for what he's done around the world. And that's how the secretary feels too. We would not be engaged in comprehensive negotiations with Iran, which is where the program is stalled, and is rolling back, if it were not for the role of the United States, along with the P-5 +1 partners certainly. In Ukraine, we've been engaged more or as much as any other country in the world in supporting the elections process, supporting the government, and supporting efforts moving forward. Yes, there's more work that needs to be done, the point is we need to continue to stay at it.
REPORTER: Is this a potential mission accomplished statement?
PSAKI: Absolutely not.
MATT LEE: You would argue the president doesn't give himself enough credit, how much credit would you give him?
PSAKI: I would give him more than he has given himself. So would the secretary.
LEE: Like 200 percent credit? For what? Iran negotiations?
PSAKI: I mean...
REPORTER: What specifically are you saying he doesn't get enough credit for?
PSAKI: For engagement in issues like Iran, what we've done on Ukraine. Efforts to dive in and engage in the world.
REPORTER: Russia has still annexed Crimea. Iran, there are ongoing negotiations, but is that the success here that your talking?
PSAKI: We're talking about engagement in the world and taking on tough issues that present themselves, and the United States continues to play a prominent role doing that.
Thanks to JackStraw and @johnekdahl and virtually the entire world.