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May 07, 2014
Obama Is Getting A Pass On Global Warming Fibs
Yesterday, the media went wild for the release of a new global warming report suggesting that climate change is here and it's causing extreme weather events. The broadcast newscasts devoted a combined 10 minutes to the issue. ABC World News led with it and the other two had it second in their newscasts.
Among President Obama's statements about climate change that were broadcast on ABC was this curious claim: "We also have a chance to turn back these rising temperatures if we take some bold actions now."
This caught my eye, because not even global warming believers think warming is reversible. Here's NPR, for example:
Turning off the carbon dioxide emissions won't stop global warming.
"People have imagined that if we stopped emitting carbon dioxide that the climate would go back to normal in 100 years or 200 years. What we're showing here is that's not right. It's essentially an irreversible change that will last for more than a thousand years."
That report is from five years ago, by the way. So this isn't new. The scientists who fret about warming don't talk about reversing anything, but that isn't stopping Obama from trying to con Americans into supporting his prosperity-destroying environmental policies.
The NPR report is not an outlier. Here's the much-lauded lefty site Think Progress, with a piece last year on "The Dangerous Myth That Climate Change Is Reversible":
We’d have to drop total global emissions to zero now and for the rest of the century just to lower concentrations enough to stop temperatures from rising. Again, even in this implausible scenario, we still aren’t talking about reversing climate change, just stopping it — or, more technically, stopping the temperature rise.
So even folks who fear global warming don't think the U.S. can do anything to stop it. For that matter, even EPA chief Gina McCarthy testified that it is "unlikely" that EPA regulation will have a meaningful impact on climate change.
Claiming that global warming is reversible is the carrot to the warmists' stick. But it's just not true according to their own scientists. They say that warming is here to stay and that it's going to get worse. Obama should not be given a free pass saying otherwise to justify his policy preferences.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:57 AM
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