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Overnight Open Thread (2 May 2014) »
May 02, 2014
A Brief Metaphor Explaining the Democratic-Media Complex and Its Power over the American Public
Video below, but here's some other stuff:
The 13 best short excerpts on Politico's piece explaining Why Tina Brown Is Awful. (Digested at Breitbart.)
Tina Brown annoys you further by trolling for attention with a stupid piece as to why Hillary shouldn't run. No, it's not because she's down on Hillary. It's that she thinks Hillary is Too Awesome for the Presidency.
Harry Reid's response to the announcement of a House Select Committee to investigate Benghazi mentions the Koch brothers in the second sentence.
Harry Reid smells like smelly balls.
Only if you can handle it -- a book has been published claiming that "something happened" in the bathroom in the Duke Hoax Rape Claim case. And the media are again buying into it -- they are incapable of learning, and they only know they're supposed to support narratives helpful to the Left.
Open Thread.