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April 28, 2014
High Ranking House GOP Leader: Wait. You Really Thought We Were Committed To Repealing ObamaCare? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! That's A Good One. Oh, You're Serious? How About Amnesty Instead?
Cathy McMorris Rogers (R-WA) is the fourth ranking member of the House GOP leadership team and was selected to give the GOP response to the State Of the Union earlier this year. She's not a back-bencher, so when she says they aren't repealing ObamaCare, they aren't repealing ObamaCare.
"We need to look at reforming the exchanges,” the Eastern Washington Republican said Thursday.
McMorris Rodgers continued those criticisms Thursday, but said the framework established by the law likely will persist and reforms should take place within its structure.
“It is a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach to health care,” she said. Consumers should have more choice for their coverage, and Democrats should abandon the idea that everyone will enroll because of the mandate, McMorris Rodgers added.
Ah yes, "reform the exchanges". Now the only purpose the exchanges serve is to deliver subsidies to people who buy policies. If you think the exchanges, which are a disaster in most states, should be kept just to offer a one-stop shopping site for consumers you don't need to "reform" ObamaCare, you need to become an investor in eHealthInsurance.com (a site that did that before ObamaCare).
So now a GOP leader is committing to making the exchanges run better and maybe offer some more types of policies or something. Who knows. But the general shape of ObamaCare? That's staying it seems.
I was wondering why House conservatives were demanding Boehner and Cantor release their ObamaCare replacement plan when politically it's such a lousy move. Maybe they are pushing for it to be made public because they are getting the sense that the leadership's "replacement" is actually just a little tinkering and not really an alternative.
Personally I find it interesting McMorris Rodgers opened her reelection camapaign with the message of "reform" don't repeal ObamaCare. I mean, that's what the Democrats are running on.
But don't worry, McMorris Rodgers has a consolation prize for you...amnesty.
McMorris Rodgers said she still thinks a deal could be struck before the election.
“I believe there is a path that we get a bill on the floor by August,” she said.
A bipartisan plan was passed in the Senate last spring but made no headway in the Republican-controlled House. McMorris Rodgers echoed the concern brought up by many in the chamber, saying she wants to see stronger border security. But she said she’d support a bill that grants legal status to those undocumented immigrants working toward citizenship, allowing them to remain in the country to work and go to school while they wait their turn in the current system.
“We’re going to have to push that this is a legal status, not amnesty,” she said.
"Push that" however you want, it's still amnesty.
It's pretty clear the GOP has decided they have the mid-terms in the bag and that no matter what they do their voters will still show up and vote for whatever they serve up.
The sad part is...they are likely right.
Reminder....That the GOP would go wobbly on repeal was evident 10 days (TEN DAYS) after it passed.

posted by DrewM. at
10:10 AM
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