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Monday Morning News Dump »
April 28, 2014
Top Headline Comments 4-28-14
Happy Monday.
Sec. Kerry told world leaders on Friday that Israel would become an "apartheid state" if it didn't make peace with the people lobbing rockets at it. Then State Department spokesjoke Jen Psaki defended her boss' inflammatory claim by citing to reputable foreign policy outlets DailyKos and Think Progress.
Toyota is moving its sales and marketing headquarters from California to Texas. "A company can easily see where it would benefit by relocating someplace else," said the Torrance, California mayor.
The Supreme Court will hear argument on Tuesday about cell phone searches incident to arrest.
Oh, you recall District Court Judge Leon's decision finding the NSA's phone metadata program unlawful? At the time, I criticized the decision on several grounds, noting in an aside that "it's been a while since I've seen a court decision with that many exclamation marks." Well, the latest document release from the FISA Court includes a decision taking Judge Leon's decision apart, and it includes an aside directed at his hyperbolic use of exclamation points and italics.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:56 AM
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