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Saturday Morning Open Thread »
April 25, 2014
Overnight Open Thread (25 Apr 2014)
The deadly war on e-cigarettes. Can't have people actually quitting a bad habit with something that isn't supported by big pharma (makers of nicotine patches and gum) or taxed like tobacco. Because they keep jackin' up the taxes on analog cigarettes they're losing tax revenue to bootleggers. Throw in the declining number of smokers (either out right quitting or transitioning to vaping), it is little wonder the politicos are lashing out.
Many of the same people that use incorrect information about e-cigs (read the comment section in the above article) are probably the same types that see nothing wrong with this anti-gun ad.
And many more of the same group believe that the North Pole is melting away and will be ice free in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
A bunch of know nothings trying to drive policy.
Government Math
Boom. A squid bringin' the smackdown on the Air Force. A-10 scrapping justification exposed. The F-35 will NOT be able to replace the A-10. Hell, it can't replace the F-22.
Now here's a Hornet doing some nape of the earth flyin'.
Who Women Prefer
Second look at being in the band? Women prefer complex composers for sexual flings.
Pay As You Earn
I know, I know, this isn't surprising but Obama's student aid scheme cost skyrockets.
Max Norris, a 29-year-old lawyer for the state of California, illustrates the potential costs of the program. He pays about $420 a month to the Education Department on his $172,000 in debt, which he says fails even to cover the interest owed. But his out-of-pocket expense falls to $100 monthly after aid from his school, University of California’s Hastings College of Law.
Mr. Norris, who makes $60,000 a year in his job, would have about $225,000 in debt forgiven after 10 years, assuming he stays in public service and his salary rises 4% annually, according to a repayment calculator created by the New America Foundation, which advocates less-generous forgiveness.
He said he learned of the programs before enrolling. “My intent the whole time in going through law school was to take advantage of this program,” he said.
Meanwhile, In...
...Poland? Guess they don't want Russia to corner the market on dumbassery with this carbide cannon.
Why We're Doomed
This AP-GfK poll shows why we're doomed as a country.
Speaking of doom, it would seem that asteroid impacts are a far greater danger than predicted.
Dog Video
Tonight's ONT brought to you by ways to type laughter:
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