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April 25, 2014
Werewolf + Cop = "Wolfcop"
Yeah I don't know about this.
I'm not sure why, but werewolf movies almost never work and almost never make money. You can bring up An American Werewolf in London, sure, but that was, seriously, could it be this long? That was over thirty years ago.
I'll admit that I liked the Jack Nicholson/James Spader werewolf movie Wolf a bit more than I probably should have. (And that was probably because it was less a werewolf movie than a superhero movie.) But almost no one else liked that movie.
And that was... twenty years ago.
And since then, what? They got to be the second-string Monster Boyfriends in the Twilight movies, but they weren't the stars. I think people claimed to be on "Team Jacob" (or whoever) just to be nice and to pretend along that there was some actual conflict in these movies.
They tried to remake The Wolfman, with Benecio Del Toro if I'm remembering right, and all I remember about that movie was terrible CGI and a convoluted plot that I cannot recall at all and then fast forwarding to the climax, because I was bored and figured I should at least see the Bad CGI Finale.
Will "Wolfcop" change all that, and bring a new respect to the overlooked, underappreciated lycanthrope movie?
Answer: No.
Via @MTotenkopf and @rdbrewer4.
They should remake this movie.
I never saw it, but I did see the trailer, and I was always fascinated by "The Werewolf Break," an intermission where they'd allow you to piece together the mystery of who the werewolf was.