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April 24, 2014
Incredible: Group Objects to Mentioning "Islam" or "Jihad" in Film Explaining 9/11 To Be Shown at the 9/11 Museum
The future belongs to those who control the past.
AllahPundit doesn't think this group will win out in its Outrage Trolling Initiative. Too many leftists in good standing would have to own up to their own Politically Incorrect mentions of Islam and Jihad in connection to 9/11 were this to become the New Stupid Standard of Socially-Approved Ignorance.
In fact, Brian Williams, face of the Democratic Communications Unit called "NBC Nightly News," narrates the film and speaks the Forbidden Words himself.
I think this is more serious than he does, maybe.
The other day I was talking about the claim often made about Social Censorship -- that it's only "censorship" if the government does it.
Well, that's not true. It's true that the First Amendment only restrains the government, but the spirit of the First Amendment could and should restrain everyone.
Whenever someone wants to use social or economic coercion to shut someone up -- defeating them not with better ideas, but better political mobilization and better utilization of levers of coercion -- they should ask if they're acting as friends or enemies of free expression.
But that wasn't my point. My point is that politics is just downstream of culture.
And if the culture supports punishing people like Brendan Eich for committing a Thoughtcrime, then it will not be terribly long until our government does as well.
If the public demands censorship by mob justice, the government -- which is not a principled institution, but a favor-for-favor system of legal quid pro quos -- will eventually see the benefit of censorship by mob as well.
Which is why I find this current folly more worrisome than AllahPundit. He may be right that this attempt at rewriting history For Social Justice will fail, as it's simply too ludicrous to win the day.
But even if it doesn't win the day, it is apparently now a proposition that People Must Take Seriously.
People are not expected, I guess, to seriously entertain the proposition that the government should rewrite history in response to a particular pressure-constituency's demands that history be rewritten.
Perhaps history won't be rewritten here.
But how scary is it that we'll take a vote on it, and that vote will probably be pretty close?
A people gets the government they deserve. And as the American people become stupider, more juvenile, more mob-like, and more hostile to not just free thought but virtually any sort of thought at all, we will, ultimately, get just the sort of government a Majority of Imbeciles and Lunatics demand.
I don't see how Muslims could have pulled off a controlled demolition like that in addition to controlling the video feeds news services were using to make it appear the targets were hit by planes.
Sounds like the museum is in the wrong here.
Dr. Spank is available to speak at college graduation ceremonies and also lunatic asylum orientation days.
Indeed: Copybook Wabblings Redux says--
Unfortunately, fire really can’t burn stupid.