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April 07, 2014
Overnight Open Thread (4-7-2014)
Well due to power and network issues I'm cut off from my prepared ONT and usual links. Which means you get the detritus that I just happen to have open at the moment. Enjoy!
Richard Fernandez: The Cold Civil War Has Begin
Much of the shock following the removal of Brendan Eich from the position of Mozilla CEO came from the realization that, in a manner of speaking, America was now at war. True it's a culture war, not a physical conflict. But if you were waiting for the moment when the Cold Civil War actually begins, this might be it.
Well if you want a culture war, I'll give you a culture war. And you will not like it.
Don't mistake my indifference towards your cause as acceptance or tolerance in any way, shape, or form of your fascist means.
Mozilla Has Rights. Just Like Hobby Lobby.
Thank You Michelle Obama!
Letterman's Lowest Moments
In now a famous "You Tube" moment, Bill O'Reilly of the Fox News Channel, went on Letterman to be the recipient of the host's rude and sophomoric antics. As the segment shifted into high gear, O'Reilly asked Letterman a pointed and direct question: "Do you want the United States to win in Iraq?"
To the surprise of no one but his sycophants, Letterman could not or would not answer the question. When pressed by O'Reilly to answer, the best he could do was to play to his mostly left-leaning audience for cheap debating points and say, "It's not easy for me because I'm thoughtful."
What Money Spent on Public Education Gets Us: Nothing
I'm pretty sure this chart has appeared here before but in case it's new to you, this is why you should reject every new proposal to spend any more $$$ on education.
And yes this is inflation adjusted.
Don't Leave the BLM's 'First Amendment' Zone or They Will Deploy Snipers on You
Now Bundy is in the wrong in his dispute over grazing with the BLM but since when do government agencies declare 'First Amendment' zones?
13-year Old Boy Suspended for Twirling Pencil in "Gun Motion" Manner
The bullies have found a new bullying tool: Zero tolerance and brain-dead administrators.
According to Ethan Chaplin, he was suspended for twirling a pencil in math class. He says that a student, who have been allegedly bullying him, yelled to the teacher that "He's making gun motions, send him to juvie." The school responded by suspending Chaplin and the Vernon Schools Superintendent Charles Maranzano insists that it is the only appropriate response because he must investigate any time that a student claims to be uncomfortable or threatened by another student.
Chemists Talk About the Most Dangerous Chemical They've Ever Worked With
The Brains Move South
CBS 60 Minutes Adds Gasoline Engine Sound Effects To Tesla Vehicles
Fantasy Bio-Mom vs. Your Actual Parents
Meanwhile, quietly, she had begun the process of seeking contact with her birth mother through the local authority.
She may have been given up for adoption but surely, Kayleigh reasoned, she would have more in common with her own flesh and blood than with her adoptive parents.
Why? It's not like culture or values or love are built into our DNA. We're perfectly capable of loving people completely unrelated to us (spouses and friends) or even completely different species (pets). But yet people make a fetish of blood relationships.
The Yahoo AoSHQ group. Bla bla bla.
And my twitter thang.
Tonight's post brought to you by cunning plans:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.
posted by Maetenloch at
10:46 PM
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