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Overnight Open Thread (3-27-2014) »
March 27, 2014
Christie Bridgegate Report Suggests That Incident Might Have Been Exacerbated By... A Busted-Up Affair
The law firm's report exonerating (supposedly) Christie says that key Bridgegate player Bridgie Kelly had a "personal relationship" with Christie's then-campaign-manager, Bill Stepien, a relationship which had cooled -- or soured -- just before Kelly sent her infamous email, "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee."
The report claims the affair resulted in Kelly and Stepien barely communicating... and that this might have caused communication breakdowns regarding the Fort Lee lane closings.
"Indeed, that fact may have affected how Kelly and Stepien conducted themselves and whether they communicated about the lane realignment."
Two points: 1, feminists are going to freak out at the (claimed) implication that a woman's hormones caused all of this. The report doesn't say that, and doesn't really imply that, but, you know. You can get there if you really want to.
And MSNBC is going to really want to get there. "CHRIS CHRISTIE'S OLD BOYS CLUB BLAMES BRIDGEGATE ON WOMAN'S LIBIDO." You heard it here first.
2, when Bridgegate broke, I asked, jokingly, on the podcast, "Is it too early to speculate about an affair?"
Just sayin'.
It's Old: JackStraw says my prediction already came true before I predicted it -- he says Chris Matthews and a NJ State Senator guest were shouting tonight about how "gratuitous" this disclosure was, and complaining of Christie's War on One Single Woman.