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March 23, 2014
Gun Thread (3-23-2014)
Georgia's 2A Bill
Score one for the home state, where the legislature just sent a sweeping liberalization of gun laws to the governor. Among other things, it would:
* Repeal the unnecessary and duplicative state-required license for a firearms dealer, instead requiring only a Federal Firearms License (FFL).
* Prohibit a ban on firearms in public housing, ensuring that the right to self-defense should not be infringed based on where one calls home.
* Remove the sweeping restrictions on legally carrying a firearm with a WCL in bars, leaving this decision to private property owners.
* Allow for churches to opt-in for legal carry with only a civil penalty of a $100 if a person happens to carry into a prohibited church unknowingly.
Full details at the link, but this is a very, very good development.
Andrew Branca at NRA Annual Meeting
Our friend Andrew Branca wanted me to let y'all know that he'll be speaking at the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis next month.
I’ll be speaking on Stand-Your-Ground, the Castle Doctrine, and whatever else comes to mind as part of the “17th Annual National Firearms Law Seminar,” held on Friday, April 25.
If you're in the neighborhood, you probably want to check this out.
Gun Of The Week

(answer below)
Marksmanship Award
Gun Of The Week - Answer
That's the Dragunov (or SVD) sniper rifle in 7.62x54R.
Cool Hunting Cabin? Or Coolest Hunting Cabin Ever?

Jerry Miculek Shoots The FN P90
If there are topics you're interested in seeing in the gun thread, please send them to AoSHQGunThread at gmail. You can also send them to me on Twitter at @AndyM1911.
The owner's manual for your concealed carry permit: The Law of Self Defense
Defend the Second Amendment. Join: The National Rifle Association * Gun Owners of America * The National Shooting Sports Foundation * Your state's second amendment org.
Celebrate America's firearms heritage: participate in Project Appleseed.