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March 14, 2014
Chuck Schumer: Hey Republicans, Either Get Going On Amnesty Or Obama's Going To Stop Deporting People.
Yesterday Obama ordered the Department of Homeland Security to come up with some BS cover for him to not enforce immigration laws. Today Chuck Schumer tells Republicans give in because you can't beat a lawless tyrant bent on the destruction of the rule of law.
It's crystal clear where the issue of immigration reform is headed, and Republicans have only two choices to make. They can either help pass comprehensive reform which will greatly reduce the flow of illegal immigrants, grow our economy by bringing in needed workers in high tech and agriculture areas, and provide a hard-earned path to eventual citizenship for the 11 million in the shadows, or they can sit idly by and watch the President greatly curtail deportations while 11 million continue to live in limbo here in America. The choice is clear; a reform bill has the support of liberals, moderates, and conservatives and all we need is the courage of the Republican leadership to make the right and obvious choice.
Even if you're on Team Amnesty are you really willing to be blackmailed by Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer?
Shouldn't McCain, Rubio, Boehner and the rest make a stand for the Constitution and insist they won't support any deals with a President who refuses to recognize any check on what he can do?
Instead of passing meaningless bills, Boehner needs to make it clear there will be a price to pay if Obama continues to flaunt the laws. If the GOP won't stand up for the rule of law, what exactly is their purpose?

posted by DrewM. at
01:05 PM
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