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Saturday Afternoon Yard and Garden Thread: Q Branch Edition [Y-not and WeirdDave] »
March 08, 2014
Saturday Thread for Non-Gardening Discussions [Y-not]
For those of you not interested in gardening.
Tragically, a Malaysian Airlines jet has gone missing.
Flight MH370 vanished at 18:40 GMT Friday (02:40 local time Saturday) after leaving Kuala Lumpur for Beijing, where it was expected at 22:30 GMT.
The aerial search has been halted for the night, but sea operations continue.
No wreckage has been reported by the airline, but Vietnamese planes reported seeing oil slicks in the sea.
Per my twitter feed, the flying conditions were reportedly near-perfect.
Prayers for the missing and their loved ones.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:42 AM
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