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Overnight Open Thread (2-25-2014) »
February 25, 2014
Justified, Person of Interest Back on Tonight
Just letting y'all's know.
I forget what the heck is even going on in Justified though I know it's pretty major. Boyd's going down to Mexico, I think, with the Crowes to try to kill Cousin Johnny; we know he's not going to kill Cousin Johnny. Cousin Johnny is to Boyd as Boyd is to Raylan. He's the thorn to the rose. The rose wouldn't be the rose without it.
Meanwhile, I'm not sure we know yet what Art is going to do about Raylan's minor admission of maybe having arranged someone's assassination by the Detroit mob. A punch in the mouth seems letting Raylan off pretty easy.
Raylan's hot-ass wife will continue to only be referred to in the third person because she's on The Following. So, we lose on that.
I have no idea what's going on on Person of Interest. I know it was getting very interesting before all the winter hiatuses, with the introduction of a rival Machine (?), but I don't know when they'll be returning to that plotline. Probably just for the season-ending arc.