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February 24, 2014
Washington Post Rates Obama's "7 Million Have Signed Up for ObamaCare" Claim... Four Pinnochios, the Highest Rating for Deception
No one believes these numbers, because Obama refuses to parse the numbers to determine how many people were already eligible for Medicaid, and how many became eligible due to Obamacare.
Even Politico raps Obama for deeming this basic question an "unreasonable" one which Obama's team refuses to offer answers to.
Two different groups have estimated the extent to which ObamaCare has expanded Medicaid to the uninsured. One is Acela, which estimates the figure at between 1.1 million and 1.8 million. Kessler also quotes Charles Gaba, who puts the number at 2.6 million. Both are far below Barack Obama’s claims, and also far below what the administration expected to see by this stage. The most motivated of all the uninsured should have been those eligible for Medicaid, and yet we haven’t seen a rush to enroll — and those who are motivated to do so probably already have. That means there won’t be a big spike coming in the next couple of months.
Omelets and eggs.
Meanwhile, Freddoso notes the "most brutal anti-Obamacare ad yet" running in Michigan.
The Administration and its supporters claim the ad is false. We'll see.
But in the meantime, the Democrats' candidate for the Michigan Senate, Gary Peters, is siccing lawyers on local tv stations to block them from airing the ad.