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February 19, 2014
I Love You, Government, Part III: Flashback-- Not Content With Vague Categories of Jobs "Saved or Created or Funded," Obama Administration Created a New Category of Stimulus Success Stories to Pad Their Numbers: "Lives Touched"
This story is old, but Rusty of Mental Recession is looking back at the failure of Obama's stimulus at its five year anniversary, and he notes this story from 2010.
While the stimulus didn't create many jobs, but you should know, seriously man, about all the "lives touched" by government funding.
“Lives Touched” is a figure that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) uses to track the amount of people who have been positively affected by the Recovery Act funds. This total would include people who have been provided full time employment (i.e. saved and created jobs) through the Recovery Act and people who at some point have supported a project funded by the Recovery Act.
So, they decided to count people who politically supported a program funded by the stimulus? So if they said "Good" when the government wasted billions on electric cars, their "lives" were "touched," and they are included in the numbers as Stimulus Winners?
The post is a reflection on the Recovery, now it its fifth year of failure. The "lives touched" was a new metric (did I just call it a metric?) Obama's Department of Energy created in 2010. Personally, I never heard of this before, so while it's a Flashback, it's New To Me (TM).